
A Hand Embroidery Project

Hi Everyone and Welcome to My Blog,

If you follow me or have read some of my blog posts, you know that I have to travel for my job.  I have the official rotation now that the lady I’ve replaced has retired.  Management would like me to work at their base every other Thursday and Friday.  With their base being 2 1/2 hours from my home and a car service driving me as well as a night in a hotel room, I’ve been looking for a hand project that I can take with me.

I considered a couple things English paper piecing, hand applique or some sort of embroidery or cross stitch.  I consulted with my friend Roseanne @ HomeSewnByUs and she liked the embroidery project I was interested in.  I’ve been surfing the website of Crabapple Hill Studio but at this point I really didn’t want to start a major project.  I wanted some sort of practice run before I tackle anything big.  I was admiring her BOM called Girl’s Getaway but I’m not ready for that just yet.  She did have a free downloadable patter featuring a bouquet of flowers representing the seasons.  So I thought that it would be right for me.

They have videos of a technique that tints the fabric with crayons that looked fun to do and adds interest to the piece.  So I ordered some floss, needles, and the recommended pigment pen from them and downloaded the pattern.  I had to go to the big box craft store to purchase a light box to transfer the pattern to my fabric.  I did get to use a nice coupon and received a nice discount on the item, but as we all know I had to walk up and down each aisle before I found it as there was no one around to ask.  Of course I picked up the crayons from the big W.

Here is a picture of the pattern and fabric on the light box while I traced it.  You can’t tell from this photo because the back lighting is drowning out the colors but I am using a 05 brown pigment pen.


After I completed that I got my little girl on and started coloring the fabric.  The instructions said to first color the sections with a white crayon.  This seemed to smooth out the texture on the fabric that allowed the colored crayons to be added easily and reduced any streaking.  I noticed that if I used a circular motion this also helped.  Below you can see how it ended up.  It may not be the best, but for the first time I’m good with it.


So now I can get to stitching.  I am hopeful that my ride this Thursday will be smooth enough for stitching.  The road is not to great so I’m afraid I will be sticking myself the whole way there.  I will provide an update as I go along.

This weeks orchid is one that the guy’s at my office bought me for Valentine’s day.  Aren’t they so sweet.  When they saw my other Orchid blooming and my enjoyment they went to the grocery store and pick another up for me.  Yellow orchid

Well that’s all I have for now.

The linky parties I usually participate in can be found by clicking this link.  Please visit them and see what others are up to and  leave some comments and encouragement.  There are many bloggers out there who share their tips, projects, and tutorials to inspire us.

Thanks for stopping by.
